webbuilding > 网络媒体教程 > Web 多媒体元素参考手册

Web 多媒体元素参考手册

<bgsound> 元素

属性 功能
id A unique id for the element.
src The location (URL) of the source file.
balance The balance. (-10000=left, +10000=right).
loop The number of loops. (-1=infinite).
volume The volume. (0=max, -10000=min).

<embed> 元素

属性 定义
autostart Automatic start. (true | false).
height The height of the element in pixels or %.
hidden The visibility of the element. (true | false).
src The location (URL) of the source file.
width The width of the element in pixels or %.

请同时参阅页面底部的样式化属性、通用 HTML 属性以及事件属性:

<applet> 元素

属性 定义
alt An alternate text.
archive The locations (URLs) of archive files.
code The location (URL) of the applet code.
codebase The base location (default URL) for all files.
height The height of the applet in pixels or %.
name The name of the applet.
object A saved representation of the applet. Do not use.
width The width of the applet in pixels or %.

请同时参阅页面底部的样式化属性、通用 HTML 属性以及事件属性:

<object> 元素

属性 定义
archive The locations (URLs) of archive files.
classid The location (URL) of the object.
codebase The base path used to resolve relative URIs specified by the classid, data, and archive attributes.
codetype The content type of the code.
data The location (URL) of object data.
declare Do not instantiate (execute) the object.
height The height of the object in pixels or %.
name The object's name.
standby Text to display while object is loading.
tabindex The position in the tab order
type The content type of the object.
usemap The location (URL) of an image map.
width The width of the player in pixels or %.

请同时参阅页面底部的样式化属性、通用 HTML 属性以及事件属性:

<param> 元素

param 元素为 object 或 applet 元素定义参数。

属性 定义
id A unique id for the element.
name Parameter name.
type Parameter content type.
value Parameter value.
valuetype Parameter value type.



属性 定义
align The alignment of the object.
border The border with in pixels.
hspace The horizontal white-space (margin) in pixels.
vspace The vertical white-space (margin) in pixels.

通用 HTML 属性

属性 定义
class The element's class.
dir The directionality of the element.
id A unique id for the element.
lang The language used by the element.
style The element's style.
title The elements title.


事件 句柄
onclick mouse clicked
ondblclick mouse double clicked
onmousedown mouse button pressed down
onmouseup mouse button released
onmouseover cursor moved onto the element
onmousemove cursor moved within the element
onmouseout cursor moved away from the element
onkeypressed key pressed and released over the element
onkeydown key pressed down over the element
onkeyup key released over the element

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