> SMIL 参考手册

SMIL 参考手册

下面是完整的 SMIL 参考手册(建设中)。

SMIL Timing 元素

元素 描述 Ver
<excl> Defines elements to be displayed exclusively 2
<par> Defines elements to be displayed in parallel 1
<seq> Defines elements to be displayed in a sequence 1

SMIL Timing 属性

属性 描述 Ver
begin Sets the delay before the element is displayed 1
dur Sets the duration for the display 1
endsync Synchronizes the stopping of parallel elements 1
repeatCount Sets the number of repetitions for the display 1

SMIL Media 元素

元素 描述 Ver
<animation> Defines an animation 1
<audio> Defines an audio clip 1
<brush> Defines a brush 1
<img> Defines an image 1
<param> Defines a parameter 1
<ref> Defines a generic media reference 1
<text> Defines a text 1
<textstream> Defines a textstream 1
<video> Defines a video 1

SMIL Structure 元素

元素 描述 Ver
<body> Defines the body of a SMIL document 1
<smil> Defines a SMIL document 1

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